Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Scientific Progress Prepares To Go Boink

So, the good news is that physicist Peter Higgs may actually live to see the proof of his postulated "Higgs Boson" particle. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is nearing completion. This is the largest ever particle accelerator constructed at an astonishing cost of 2.6 Billion pounds (so about $5B USD). No one knows what will happen when it is turned on and it's beam of protons is accelerated to near light speed and then smash into the target, but the idea is that this collision will be so high energy it will allow the observance of the Higgs Boson.

Now the bad news. There is a very VERY small, but non-zero, chance that this will, erm, DESTROY EARTH IN A BLACK HOLE. Now in theory this would still take quite a long time to manifest. In THEORY. But, you know, cross your fingers.

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