Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This Should Be Interesting

Well, looks like former Deputy Attorney General and war criminal John Yoo has agreed to testify before congress.

Yoo was the author of the infamous "torture memo" which gave the CIA and Army the green light to use "harsh interrogation techniquies" (torture) against detainees. It will be interesting to see what he will answer and what he wont. Also there are bound to be questions about the "principles meeting" revealed by ABC news which implicates the entire administration in this.

What will be even more interesting is if a Democratic AG has the stomach to actually prosecute these people for war crimes. Mukasey has made it perfectly clear he will not, since he thinks that the law is whatever the Justice Department says it is.

I really have no end of contempt for Mr. Yoo. He's a disgrace to the legal profession, and deserves no more respect than a mafia lawyer. No, I take that back. That's unfair to mafia lawyers.

UPDATE: Just so everyone is perfectly clear, waterboarding is torture and is a war crime. There is precedent for people being convicted and sentenced to death for waterboarding (see here).

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