Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Terrible Election Coverage

Wow. They have someone on television showing me a high res image of ... THE CNN WEBSITE. WTF...

You know, really the only thing this makes me feel is pity for Wolf Blitzer. He's trying to shill this thing like it's really exciting that's totally developing right now. Except he's reporting on something that only really develops once an hour. So he's frantically "oh let's look at this graphic" "let's talk to our pannel and ask them to make observations that any 5th grader who's had a civics course could make." He's like a baseball announcer who's had all his stat notes stolen, desperately trying to fill time between the hours. I half expect him to bust out the floppy shoes and shout LOOK LOOK AT THIS CLOWN NOSE!

UPDATE: At least they're identifying Paul Begala as a "Hillary Supporter."

Oh nice "White Women put Hillary over the top" ugh. Is this really necessary?

UPDATE II: NY for Hillary. Predictable. Hope Barak keeps it close and gets a decent number of delegates.

UPDATE III: Speaking of how bad this coverage is. Really there's no reason to keep this on. I'll keep checking in every hour or so. It'd be nice if they had people that actually knew about politics, especially local politics on. There are a few interesting primary contests that I'd like to know about.

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