Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Brit Hume: White And Balanced

Brit Hume is leaving "Special Report." I guess this is good news. Still I couldn't help but find this "tribute" to him pretty damning.

First of all, if you have the current President, the current Vice President and former president Bush Sr. record nice things for you in your "goodbye" tribute, that MAY be an indication that you have done something horribly horribly wrong. Pretty much that alone should bar you from being called a "journalist." PR flack or Republican mouth-piece would probably be more accurate. I mean, you have quite possibly the most reviled politician of all time saying what a great guy you are. That's not an endorsement you should really seek as a journalist.

Also, couldn't help but notice something very similar among all the people they interview that work on Special Report. See if you can spot it (hint: it rhymes with wright whale):

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