Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell Endorsement

Don't know if you caught the endorsement yesterday, but Powell endorsed Obama on Meet the Press. Here's a video montage of the interview plus his comments leaving the studio, with bits of footage of things he refers to.

Now I'm not crazy about Gen. Powell. Because of his moderate image and position as Bush's first Secretary of State he was in a unique position of public trust, especially when it came to establishment media. His presentation before the United Nations was pivotal in convincing America that invading Iraq was a good idea. Powell was in a position to know that the evidence was thin, and he's smart enough that he should have known what he was doing. He, perhaps more than anyone else, probably had a chance to stop the mad cap invasion cold. Endorsing a democrat two weeks before the election is hardly a profile in courage.

Still despite all that, he still does have the ear of a certain contingent of "conservative center-right" type. His endorsement does carry weight. More than that though, his reasoning is devastating. Take a listen.

UPDATE: It probably is worth reminding people that Colin Powell was part of a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes.

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