Friday, May 30, 2008

Remember When The World Recoiled In Horror? No? Me Neither...

As Atrios points out, it's the fifth anniversary of Tom Friedman's justifiably infamous (although sadly only infamous in lefty blog circles) appearance on Charlie Rose. Gaze in awe as Tom Friedman justifies the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people as some kind of international machismo demonstration.

Seriously, if you watch that clip and don't come away thinking that Mr. Friedman has serious moral deficiencies you're not comprehending the horror of what he's saying. It's literally "i think we should destroy a country which is no real threat to the US, cripple their infrastructure, displace families, and kill thousands so that the US can prove we're tough."

This statement did not label him as a moral pariah. He did not lose his nationally syndicated column. He ... no everyone still thinks he's some kind of smart guy in international affairs. You would be better off getting your foreign policy advice from chicken shit bingo.

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