Monday, March 31, 2008

Button That Shirt

Interesting little tidbit on shirt buttons. I actually had never noticed that women's shirts buttoned the other way from those of men. So besides being an interesting explanation, it was a revalation to me as well. I resolve to pay more attention to women wearing buttoned shirts.

Around 90 per cent of the world's population is right-handed, and it is easier for right-handers to button shirts from the right. So why do women's garments button from the left?

This is an example in which history seems to matter. When buttons first appeared in the 17th century, they were seen only on garments of the wealthy. At that time it was the custom for rich men to dress themselves and for women to be dressed by servants.

Having women's shirts button from the left thus made things easier for the mostly right-handed servants who dressed them. Having men's shirts button from the right made sense not only because most men dressed themselves, but also because a sword drawn from the left hip with the right hand would be less likely to become caught in the shirt.

Full article from the Daily Mail here.

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