Via Election Geek, according to Paul Kane of WaPo, it looks like Super Delegates may well determine the election. He makes a very good point that 55% of the pledged delegates have been won by now. In order for Obama or Clinton to win, they would have to rack up lots of very big victories in order to get over the 2,025 total delegates needed to win.
Now of course if one candidate falls short but still has a clear delegate lead, the Super Delegates won't buck the system. They are, by and large, all professional politicians. In addition, if one candidate is very close, there will likely be a stampede to their door to try and get there first to provide the winning margin.
But there's a real chance that this will come down to the convention. Add the wild card of Florida and Michigan a) voting for Hillary, and b) not being seated due to the fact they "broke the rules" and you have a particularly volitile situation. I could certainly imagine a very slim delegate lead voting to bring in Fl and Mi who then bring in the nomination for Hillary.
Still very idle speculation. We still have almost half the country to go. But it's more likely than I thought. Kneel before Zod!
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